Rockwood's Contact Info

PHONE: (801) 465-6025 ext 174

the "one semester of Spanish" love song

CALENDAR & DUE DATES (click on an event to view the details)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ch. 3 Test & Cinco de Mayo

Because Cinco de Mayo is on a Saturday we will be having our in-class party on Thursday and Friday (May 3-4)

It will be a pot-luck. Extra Credit to anyone who brings food or drinks. We will make more specific assignments in class.

Also, the Ch. 3 Test will be on Tuesday and Wednesday (May 1-2). Be ready!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

3-2-1 Lift Off!

Okay. in my life-long pursuit to improve my teaching, I am launching this class website. I will post important due dates on the Google Calendar to the right. I may try to post handouts and worksheets for you to print off at home. On the right, there is also a list of some fun links, thinhs like recipes, music, etc.

Check back often for more updates.